Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My most favourite of all the blueberry, I eat these daily, at least one cup, they are low in calories, are action packed to help circulatory health, blueberries are anti-inflammatory foods, of course most berries are.  They do help lower cholesterol and they aid in weight loss and can even reverse the signs of aging. They help prevent macular degeneration such as  seeing small detail etc.  Blueberries do go way beyond  being an antioxidant. You want to ensure you are eating at at least a cup a day. They help boost the immune system, so think about that whilst your eating a cup a day, add a little pro biotic yogurt and you have one super action packed little desert that is low in caloric intake, and huge health benefits. Blueberries are loaded with Vitamin C and can help reduce even belly fat, there is even proof through medical studies that there is a slight improvement in glucose and insulin control. The pigment in the blueberries is caused by Anthrocyanin, making the blueberry the very best anti-oxidant that there is. Nothing can beat the blueberry, and they  taste great, and are naturally sweet! Enjoy, your blueberries!<br><br>So now we  have spoken on some of my favourites, blueberries, pecans, sun seeds, and bell peppers. I hope you have enjoyed the mini reviews on some lovely health filled foods, that can only make you better than you already are!

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